Friday 24 August 2012

Krishnamacharya in Colour also Richard Freeman and Pattabhi Jois, Jnana Mudra & utpluthi

I just watched the Krishnamacharya video that I tacked on the end of this mornings padmasana post.

This morning I'd assumed it was the regular B&W 1938 documentary but this is a different version. There seems to be some extra scenes and best of all part of it is in colour.

Really quite wonderful

The soundtrack is the Hanuman Chalisa by Bhagavan Das.

I checked the channel and it's uploaded by Robert Byrnes, that name is familiar, help me out.

He also has a better print and longer version of the scene where Pattabhi Jois guides Richard Freeman in the breath " Padmasana with Jnana Mudra in which he performs only ten full inhalations and ten full exhalations in the span of about three and a half minutes, followed by Utpluthih for ten shorter breaths".

This one is from part of the advanced series dvd I believe, 1989 and part of the Sewell archive,posted by Robert

Richard Freeman 5 day workshop London Aug-Sept 2012

from the YouTube video description
'Sri K. Pattabhi Jois leads Richard Freeman (and others) through third series and part of fourth series in Encinitas, California, 1989. Near the end of the finishing sequence, we find Richard in Padmasana with Jnana Mudra in which he performs only ten full inhalations and ten full exhalations in the span of about three and a half minutes, followed by Utpluthih for ten shorter breaths'

A reminder that I'm attending a five day workshop with Richard in London at the end of the month. I just checked the website and it seems like there are still places

See my earlier post for details


Tony said...

It's from the same Krishnamacharya film that's sold by the Iyengar Institute. "Partly filmed in black and white, and partly in early colour"

I watched it again last week. Always an inspiration.

Grimmly said...

Thank you Tony, i didn't realise that the dvd version was in B&W as well as colour. i think I'd asked about the DVd a while back and it was said that the dvd version was the same length as the forty odd minute version on YouTube so i never ordered it.
Looking at some of the clips here, there seem to be a few scenes that i don't remember from the b&W youytube one. Think i may have to order a copy.

Ursula said...

I saw this movie a few years back. Awful that soundtrack is added. This doesn't fit at all. This spoils the calm atmosphere.
Yogis can stand silence. Music is distraction.

Nevertheless, thank you for posting, Grimmly.

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