Friday, 19 March 2010

Vinyasa Krama Inverted sequence, speeded up x4

I posted on the Inverted sequence at the beginning of the week but realized that it's probably a little confusing. I'm taking recommendations from three of Ramaswami's books rather than sticking to the Inverted sequence in The Complete book of Vinyasa yoga. I made a video of this mornings practice to try and illustrate the basic idea. Because Youtube has a ten minute limit I speeded it up x 4. It was originally around forty minutes, this is a little quicker than usual. I started the camera after standing and cut off most of the Pranayama. All the asanas are pretty straight forward, the main challenge of this Sequence is probably the long headstand and keeping the breath slow steady and even while engaging the bandha's upside down.

Curious thing I've noticed about the Inversions is that all week I've been feeling incredibly mellow. The restless night after intense backbending is often remarked upon, I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar reaction to long headstands.

I've lifted the description of the practice from my earlier post with the Krishnamacharya video.
Looking at the three books together plus the newsletter and bringing it all together the recommendation seems to be the following.

A mudra pose that engages the bandhas. (I'm choosing Tatakumudra, pond gesture. Before this though I tend to start my practice with some Tadasana and a couple of Sury's and perhaps some standing postures)

The Sarvangasana preparatory poses...
Apanasana (pelvic lift)
U- formation (arms and legs raised while supine)
Dwipadpitam (Desk pose)

Savangasana Subroutine (As prep for headstand, I do around fifteen minutes of Shoulder stand variations, I stop before the lotus variations)

Sirsasana Subroutine ( Took me around thirty minutes this morning, around three long slow steady breaths engaging moola and uddiyana bandha during exhale retention while in each of the variations)

Childs pose
Sarvangasana (switching back to Shoulder stands here as counter poses for headstand and supposedly to retain the benefits longer. I do the unsupported Shoulder stand variations from the end of the Subroutine)

Padmasana (It's recommended to finish with a seated pose for ten minutes or so).

The Sirsasana and Sarvangasana Subroutines follow a similar pattern in their variations. While up in the the pose you tend to start by bringing the legs to the chest individually and then together as well as in half lotus. This is followed by bringing the legs to the floor individually then together, some lotus variations, halasana variations etc in the Sarvangasana subroutine as well as some unsupported shoulder stand variations. You finish off with some inverted backbend postures.

Had a quick look through the video and noticed that there are a couple of postures I missed out and even a couple from the Krishnamacharya video that slipped in.

NB. Ramaswami recommends practicing the sequences in this way to gain familiarity with the asanas and, I guess, their groupings. Once you have a better idea of the range of asanas your better able to develop an appropriate practice. I'm looking forward to finding out more about this in the summer. I know he has a handful of key asanas that he recommends practicing every day. I assumed that you would practice those and then fit the other asanas around this framework in a similar way to how the Ashtanga series are formed. However, in one of his other books he seems to suggest that Krishnamacharya would have him practice the same kind of asanas within a lesson. I'm guessing one day the key asanas plus some Bow sequence subroutines another day the keys asanas and some inverted subroutines. The point being, these aren't fixed-in-stone sequences, adaption is the name of the game.


lew said...

Yes, the long headstand has a mellowing effect on me, too. I was told to lengthen finishing poses, and particularly headstand, as much as possible (because I do an abbreviated second series), to counter-balance the nadi shodana, and it did do the trick. I don't spend 40 minutes upside down, but it's close to 10-15 minutes most days now.

Jiri said...

What a great sequence! I'm really looking forward to incorporating some of the asanas to my 'daily' routine :)

Claudia said...

Absolutely, yes, same effect here. In Thailand one of the teachers went as far as to tel us that if he ever got a request for a "restorative" class, all he would do is have students in the queen and king of asanas...

Grimmly said...

I tend to be skeptical about such things but had to grudgingly admit there was something to the restless nights from backbending and with the headstands I'd not come across it discussed before just noticed it physically as well as mentally. Quite an odd sensation, glad i'm not alone.

Hi Jiri, glad you like it, thanks for commenting. Best thing about it is that you can incorporate them so easily. Even in Ashtanga (at home anyway) your going to be doing headstands and shoulder stands so why not make them good and long occasionally and add some variations.

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