Thursday 25 February 2016

Krishnamacharya's 32 sirsasana ( headstand ) Variations ?

"One day Krishanamacharya was conducting a “rare” demonstration-class where he mentioned that there are thirty-two variations of headstands.  The class was silent.  A.G.Mohan doubted him but did not say anything, however, the muscles in his face betrayed him and showed his feelings. Krishnamacharya looks at him and says:

“What? It looks like you don’t believe me.  Fold that mat and place it here“. He then demonstrated the 32 variations of headstand.  He was 85 years-old."

Krishnamacharya His Life and Teachings by A.G.Mohan.

As well as the headstand variations that Krishnamacharya taught his long time student Srivatsa Ramaswami, I have a large number of photos from the later edition of Yogasanagalu of Krishnamacharya demonstrating headstand variations aged 84. I also have screenshots of Krishnamachary's headstand variation in the 1938 documentary footage as well some of BKS Iyengar, krishnamacharya's student at the time.

I thought it would be interesting to see if I could come up with 32 variations, these may not have been the ones Krishnamacharya demonstrated to AG Mohan, referred to in the quote above but perhaps not so far off.

Going by the 1938 Mysore documentary many if not most of these variations seem to have been floating around back in the 1930s when Pattabhi Jois was a student of Krishnamacharya's at the Mysore palace.


Krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda Mysore 1934.

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

Also, a few photos of 

Myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami, see Ramaswami's Complete book of Vinyasa yoga.

Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya gives instruction for in Yoga makaranda Part II

1. Sirsasana
Krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda Mysore 1934.

2. Akunchanasana left and right
myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

3. Akunchanasana
Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

4. Janu Sirsasana Akunchasana
Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

5. Ardha padma Akunchanasana
Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

8. Urdva konasana
Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

11. Urdva badha konasana
Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

12.  Urdva padmasana
Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

15. Akunchita Urdva padmasana
Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

17. Viparita garundasna
myself demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

21. Viparita dandasana
Right - BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary, Mysore.
Left- Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

22. BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary
BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary, Mysore.

23. Urdva dandasana
Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

Krishnamacharya 1938 documentary, Mysore.

25. Salamba and Niralumba variations making up the seven headstands in the Ashtanga intemediate series.
Krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda Mysore 1934.

Krishnamacharya Yoga Makaranda Mysore 1934.

Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

29. In this variation the hands are place on the shoulders
Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya taught his long time Student Srivatsa Ramaswami

30.Variations from Krishnamacharya's Yoga Makaranda part II
Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya gives instruction for in Yoga makaranda Part II

Myself, demonstrating some of the variations Krishnamacharya gives instruction for in Yoga makaranda Part II

32. Sirsasana Mandala (Left BKS Iynegar 1938)
Left- BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary, Mysore.


Urdva Eka pada sirsasana
BKS Iyengar 1938 Documentary, Mysore.

BKS Iyengar. Leg behind head sirsasana variation


companion, post

Sirsasana Video Library

Krishnamacharya's trickly Eka pada Sirsasana variations from Yoga makaranda Part II

Krishnamacharya's Mysore headstand variations

David Garrigues new book and Video course on headstands

Lotus to headstand


Krishnamacharya's alternatives to headstands

Krishnamacharya aged 84 Yogasanagalu 4th edition 1984 (original 1941 Mysore).

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