Monday 19 December 2011

Full Vinyasa

Practiced Full Vinyasa yesterday

'Full vinyasa is the original form of Ashtanga taught by Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois, after each asana you transition back to Standing as if doing a sun salutation. In postures where you switch legs, the Janu's and Marichi's for example, you practice half vinyasa between legs employing the more usual jump back and jump through, then after completing both sides you transition back to standing.'

Really nice practice, felt light and airy somehow, perhaps all that coming up to standing and getting a breath of fresher air.

It takes a little longer though, Lino's DVD, where he practices full vinyasa, runs to 1:47 my practice yesterday was 1:35

I've been practicing my Ashtanga in the evening since the colder weather's come on and tend to crank a Primary out in just over an hour, Sharath pace, little faster than I used to practice it in the mornings but than I'm trying get some heat going.

Full Vinyasa helps with the heat but if I want to practice it every evening I'll have to jump on the mat as soon as I get through the door.

Didn't find it any more strenuous than regular Primary, if anything it felt a little easier, lighter, nice balance to it starting each posture from standing, from scratch if you like and of course ties in with Krishnamacharya's Yoga Makaranda nicely (which you can download for free over on the left).

I used to practice full vinyasa a while back , just checked and it was Sept 2009 (that's the post where the quote above is from) can't see when and why I stopped. I think Kino's 2nd Series DVD came out and I probably started trying to tidy up my second

I was quite intense last time around, trying to get to grips with the tradition and how this style was originally practiced etc etc. Less earnest now perhaps, just felt like practicing Full vinyasa and besides Michelle has been FBing on how much she's enjoying it, felt left out.

Not a bad idea if I'm going to do that close reading of Yoga Mala in the new year.

Anyone know if Lino's 2nd and 3rd series DVD, the one with Gwendolyn Hunt is Full Vinyasa? I'm assuming it is.... and what's this about Lino bringing out a new book that covers Advanced series, anyone heard anything?

Yes, both 2nd and 3rd are FULL Vinyasa on the video, finally managed to pick up a copy a few years later.


roselil said...


Lino Miele's New Book - Ashtanga Yoga, Lo Yoga Del Respiro (currently Italian edition only)
Approximately 360 pages with more than 200 photos, this book is the result of Lino's more than 20 years of passionate Ashtanga yoga practice and the fruit of 10 years of profound research into the vinyasa method under the guidance of his guru, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. The 1st through 4th series are illustrated and explained in the vinyasa context. The unveiling of the book will take place at 5pm, Saturday, December 3rd at the Astanga Yoga Research Institute, Rome. All are welcome to attend this special event. Details: or visit

maya9 said...

Just another data point.... David Williams says he was taught half vinyasa at first, but that when he brought Jois to the States, Jois decided to add more vinyasa and it went to full while Jois was teaching in California, something about people "needing work in the basics." This coincided (if I understand correctly) with the first led classes.

I'm sure curious about Lino's book!

Micqui said...

Full vinyasa felt like a trancelike state, much more a normal focussed practice. Bit of an out of body experience!

I can't wait for your "close reading" of Yoga Mala posts, I've never been part of a book club before - although reading all the books for the Philosophy of arts -Truths in Fiction course at UKC back in the day was kind of like a book club and I really enjoyed those discussions!

Grimmly said...

Thank you for the heads up re Lino's book roselil, can't wait to see a copy. have googled the italian title but still no other information or pictures yet.

Hi Maya, so full vinyasa in Yoga Mala ( late 50's) but half vinyasa with David Williams (70's) full vinyasa again in mid 70's. just checked the 1987 yoga works advanced demo, that's full Vinyasa. Lino's book and DVD early 90's are full Vinyasa but the Yoga works demo of primary and 2nd in 1993 aren't .

So that's clear then : )

Grimmly said...

I was thinking trancelike too Micqui, why is that i wonder, would have thought it would eb the other way around. Was thinking that I'm a lot floatier now than i was a couple of years ago when i last played with full vinyasa, perhaps why it seemed more ...effortless this time.

Looking forward to getting stuck into Yoga mala again too, trying to hold off looking at it until then,

As it happens, I used to teach that Philosophy class at UKC, for about three years in the early 90's while I was doing graduate studies. I was one of Tony Skillon's teaching assistants there, started off as Truth in Fiction then we called it Ideas in the Arts. Which year did you take the class. Coincidence .

maya9 said...

Maybe it depended on the situation? Maybe the Indian folk mostly did half (David described being one of the very few/only white dudes there at that time) whereas the white folk got full (the book written in English for white people, the California crowd)? Different needs?

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